
I’m Richard Duffy, annoyingly opinionated geek and father of one.

I began my journalistic career back in 2007 when I started writing cinema reviews for the NUI Maynooth Student’s Union magazine, The Spoke.This is one of the many ways I got involved in the Students’ Union. In 2008 I was elected Vice-President/Communications & Development Officer of the Union and became editor-in-chief of the magazine. I had a wonderful year there.

Around this time I started to write other things as well. Screenplays, short stories, plays. Most of them have sat in a drawer as I make glacial progress on them, but some have seen, or are about to see, the light of day.

After I left office I tried to kick off my career. It was slow going, I had a few articles appear on the now defunct and also at To try and help things along I got myself a Masters Degree in journalism from DCU. While at DCU I got involved in the Students’ Union again and continued writing. I had a one act play The Waiting Room, represent DCU at the Irish Student Drama Awards 2011 .

At the end of my time at DCU I interned with RTÉ TEN, got to write a feature for The Irish Times, and had a baby arrive.

The baby, Alannah, has been a fair bit of a priority, but I’ve kept busy with other projects. Working a stint on ‘Eco Eye’ with Earth Horizon Productions for RTÉ, on Hands On, the programme for Ireland’s Deaf Community, for Mind The Gap Films and continuing to write. Currently I’m lucky enough to be working with the fantastically talented team behind Irish Pictorial Weekly at Bl!nder Films, and I’m continuing to write.

The writing reached a high point when I was asked to work on ‘The Missing Scarf’ by Eoin Duffy and Jamie Hogan. It was a wonderful collaborative experience and I’m extremely proud of the work I did with Eoin on that script. Eoin’s great work has turned that script into an excellent short which won a mountain of awards around the world and was shortlisted for an Oscar.

I also recently released my first short, Blackman. Check it out here.

If you want to keep track of how this ongoing existence is working out for me, keep an eye on the blog, and follow me on twitter: @Richard_Duffy